News Flash...
Read all about it.
I am going to be giving a talk on "Marketing Your Art".
It will be fun, informative and you will meet other folks in the "Art Community". Hope to see you there.
"On Monday, April 12 “Guerrilla Marketing” is the topic of Five Rivers Arts Alliance’s Member Meeting with Karen Dominguez-Brann. The presentation is at 6pm at Frontier Cafe, Cinema + Gallery, 14 Maine St., Brunswick. KDB is an artist and designer who lives and works in Topsham, Maine. Her talk will tackle the question
“Does marketing your ART make you crazy?” KDB will talk about Web, Print, E-news, Blasts and Newsletters. In an hour-long session she will teach how each component works and more importantly how well they work together. According to Karen, “We will discuss many options, most, which take very little money and basic minimal effort. You will learn about Blogging, and why, what you say and how you say it, is important for the search engines. You will also discover the beauty of “Viral” marketing on Facebook in conjunction with an e-blast and your just published blog article. Most of all you possibly will leave with an understanding of your place in your identified “Art Market”. See you on Monday April 12th , 6 pm at the Frontier Café.”
Log onto the Five Rivers Art Alliance website FMI.
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